Tulipa (Tulips)
Originally from Turkey, the tulip has, for over 400 years, proven to continue to stand the test of popularity. This beautiful flower is celebrated in many countries, including Australia, India, the USA and Canada, too, with annual festivals in Ontario and British Columbia. And of course, the tulip is Netherland’s national flower – and then there is the history of the Dutch’s first economic bubble, known as “Tulip Mania” created back in the 17th Century. This popular flower is a spring favourite that brings a smile to every gardener and non-gardener alike. Every garden should have an elegant tulip clump adorning a garden bed, window box or entrance planter. And as a popular cut flower, it is a beautiful way to bring the spring garden indoors.
There is an astonishing range of colours and tulip hybrids. I must admit that selecting only one or two or three varieties is a struggle for me. Though I do love the yellow, orange-red edged petals – when these catch the sun filtering through its petals, they are just so beautiful!

Tulips At A Glance
Type: Bulbs
Location: Full sun to Part sun
Blooming season: Spring
Where To Plant And How To Care For Tulips
Tulips should be planted in Autumn for the following Spring bloom. They are generally hardy but avoid planting in water-logged areas or very windy locations. They prefer well-draining, fertile, neutral to slightly acidic soil. The general rule is that bulbs should be planted about three times their height. Add a layer of compost mixed in with your dugout soil before planting the bulb. Digging this deep may be labour intensive if you have many bulbs, but the display come spring is well worth it.
Each species and variety will have specific recommendations on the package, especially if you decide on large-flower hybrids for your garden. Tulips can also be grown in containers for a beautiful display on the patio.
Once the blooming season is over, the flowers will become faded, and that’s the time to deadhead them. It is essential to leave the foliage in place to naturally wither as this feeds back into the bulbs for the following year. If the fading foliage is unsightly for you, fold the leaves over carefully and tie as a bunch. I generally leave the bulbs in the beds, but if lifting bulbs, it is best to do this after the leaves have faded. Clean off any soil and let them dry before storing them for planting again in the Autumn.
RELATED TOPIC: When And How To Plant Spring And Autumn Bulbs
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