How To Grow Echinacea Flowers
Popular easy care hardy perennial for late summer and fall gardens. Tips how to plant and grow Echinacea flowers, also known as coneflowers.
Deer Problems In The Garden, Deer Proofing Your Yard, And Deer Resistant Plants
We may love deer, but we also don’t want them around eating our plants. In our neck of the woods, nothing draws a more mixed reaction than these wild animals. It all depends on our gardens. Deer are lovely creatures, and the fawns are adorable, but like many gardeners, they can be pests too. They can devour a garden bed in no time, eating foliage, flowers and stems. Many garden centres in the Pacific Northwest will stock a selection of ‘deer resistant’ plants. But what does ‘deer resistant’ plants mean? It does not mean your plant is deer-proof. No, they are not deer proof plants. I have had hungry deer try just about anything, including deer resistant plants. And the young “Bambi” will nibble on plants until it figures out what tastes good. If deer are a constant problem in your garden, invest in growing ‘deer resistant’ plants, and learn how to deer proof your garden naturally is the way to go.
Deer Repellent Spray And Household Deterrents
A deer repellent spray will help keep the deer away and manage this pest problem. Household deterrent ideas that have seen some success include a bar of soap, the strong fragrant deodorant kind. Or use old pantyhose and stuff with human hair or a stinky egg. With their keen sense of smell, they are likely to be repelled from trying your plants. It’s not an attractive garden look. But hey, if you’re at your wits end… Hanging small mirrors or old CDs will also frighten deer away from your garden.
Fence Your Garden
Alternatively, invest in a tall fence. In our area, municipal fence bylaws are limited to a maximum height of 1.9 metres (6.2 ft). This height seems to work for us and is an effective deterrent in our garden. However, deer have been known to be able to jump this height when desperate or curious. Generally, a 2.4 metres (8 ft) fence would ensure deer are kept out of your garden.
Recommended Deer-Resistant Plants and Flowers
The following are the recommended deer-resistant plants and flowers that we have in our garden. But remember that fawns or hungry deer will sample almost all plants. But at least using deer-resistant plants, whether perennials or annuals, will aid in proofing your garden from being eaten down. Don’t forget to lightly spray new plants with deer repellant to deter the initial curiosity from deer – in my garden; they always seem interested in anything new we plant!
Popular easy care hardy perennial for late summer and fall gardens. Tips how to plant and grow Echinacea flowers, also known as coneflowers.
The Smoketree (or smoke tree) also referred to as Smoke Bush or Wig Tree is easy to grow. Tips where to plant, how to care and prune this plant.
Cosmos are fast-growing annuals that can be planted in most soil conditions. How to plant, grow and care for cosmos flowers is easy.
Acanthus Bear's breeches care tips and a guide on where and how to plant, and how to grow this striking plant in summer garden borders.
Care tips how to grow, maintain and prune a weeping or laceleaf Japanese maple tree. Recommended varieties for your garden.
Where to plant, how to grow and care for Eryngium Sea Holly. Learn more about this drought tolerant and deer resistant perennial plant.
Kniphofia, known as the Red-hot Poker or Torch Lily, is an exotic addition to a garden.Tips where to plant, how to grow and winter care.
Lavandula, better known as lavender, is famous for its fragrant flowers. Learn where to plant, how to care, grow and prune lavender plants.
The Hakone grass, also known as Japanese forest grass, is a graceful ornamental grass. Learn more where to plant, how to grow and care of it.
Western maidenhair fern or five-finger maidenhair fern is a Pacific Northwest native ornamental. Learn how to plant and grow this fern.
Learn how to plant, care and grow nasturtiums. Quick growing, edible and colourful flowers are reasons this summer annual plant is popular.
How to plant, care and prune your flowering dogwood tree. Learn about Cornus Kousa and Cornus Nuttallii and other recommended dogwood trees.