Selecting Plants For Container Gardening

Planting and growing tips on what is needed for healthy potted plants. With recommendations of plants, vegetables and herbs grown in containers.Choosing the right container is just as important as selecting the best plant for potting. From hanging baskets and windowboxes to tubs and pots. New or recycled. The choice of options is endless. Plants have specific needs and that is most important to ensuring your container planting project is rewarded with healthy, spectacular results.

Read more about the article Aucuba Shrub Guide
Aucuba japonica ‘Mr Goldstrike’ - Japanese Aucuba, Spotted Laurel (photo by Rosana Brien / My Garden Plot)

Aucuba Shrub Guide

Aucuba japonica, or spotted laurel, is a low maintenance, attractive evergreen shrub. Here are tips on how to grow and prune aucuba shrubs.

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Read more about the article Dusty Miller Plant
Dusty Miller 'Silver Dust' Foliage (photo by Rosana Brien / My Garden Plot)

Dusty Miller Plant

Tips for planting and growing dusty miller plant (silver ragwort) in the garden. How to grow and care as a perennial or annual depending on your region.

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