I love my rhododendron blooming in winter! Here I was enjoying the mild winter start in January and looking forward to perhaps a sign of an early spring. Alas, an arctic cold blast has hit our city and mother nature has her say.
Some of our rhododendrons started flowering at the beginning of January – at least 6-8 weeks early. Like our rhododendrons, there are other plants in the Victoria area that are budding earlier than usual, confused by the mild winter temperatures.
But this week, the sudden cold snap and snowfall are likely to damage the just opening flowers. I have already started to see the effect with a few appearing water-soaked and beginning to turn brown. Hopefully, other shrubs and trees with early buds are not damaged too.

Related Topic: Rhododendron Care And Pruning
- The Rhododendron moupinense ‘Christmas Cheer’ is one of the earliest to bloom during mild winter spells, even as early as mid winter. Generally, it flowers late winter and early spring.
- Read more about planting and growing Rhododendron Christmas Cheer and other popular rhododendrons and azaleas.
There is hope in the forecast, and the weather should get better in a few days. In the meantime, it’s so beautiful to see the rhododendron blooming in winter with snow lacing the pink petals.
As beautiful as the snow is, I am counting down the days for this cold snap to be over. And back to gardening we go!
There is, however, one critter that thoroughly enjoys the snow! And while she loves most of her puppy toys and especially fetching balls, hands down snow is her top favourite ‘toy’!