Welcome To My Garden Plot: Gardening Adventures And Landscaping Inspiration

Clematis In Full Bloom (photo by Rosana Brien)
Clematis In Full Bloom (photo by Rosana Brien)

Are you searching for gardening tips and inspiration from the Pacific Northwest? Researching which are the best plants to grow in your garden? Or perhaps just curious about the landscaping adventures and mishaps of two weekend-gardeners? Well, welcome to My Garden Plot. Gardening is therapeutic and rewarding. Whether you have lots of space or prefer container gardening, being in a garden is a peaceful oasis where nature nourishes. But there are always challenges too—pests and critters, big or small. Of course, on the large size, deer is one of ours – they love our garden, which I am sure is nothing more than a buffet salad. There are wild rabbits, raccoons, squirrels, and a few other critters that come along to say hello and take a nibble or two. Then there is the happy-go-lucky resident dog and her digging escapades. But we co-exist – more or less peacefully, adjusting daily.

Gardening Chores In Our Garden​

Located in South Vancouver Island with plant hardiness of zone 8, there are gardening tasks to do every season. From improving the soil, removing weeds, repairing old raised vegetable beds, leaf mulching, pruning the various shrubs and trees – the list of garden chores goes on! I think you get the gist. For us, the adventures and challenges mucking about in the garden have been fun. Read More: Garden And Lawn Maintenance Tips

Dogwood Tree Autumn Colour (photo by Rosana Brien)
Dogwood Tree Autumn Colour (photo by Rosana Brien)

Recommended Shrubs, Flowers and Trees

In terms of gardening, the Pacific Northwest region includes southern British Columbia, Canada, and, in the USA, Washington, Oregon and northern California. Many of the gardening tips and plants enjoyed in these areas are also very popular in other countries like the UK and Japan – to name a couple. So please stick around, check out our blog or follow us on social media, and celebrate the joy of gardening! See more about:

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Miss Soari’ (also known as Bigleaf Hydrangea ‘Miss Soari’ and Mophead Hydrangea ‘Miss Saori’)
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Miss Soari’ (also known as Bigleaf Hydrangea ‘Miss Soari’ and Mophead Hydrangea ‘Miss Saori’)

The Veggie Garden

Are you thinking of growing your own vegetables, fruit or herbs in your backyard? Are you thinking of starting an edible garden? Do you need a list of vegetable gardening supplies? Here are our experiences. Regardless of where you live, many of the general gardening rules apply when starting a vegetable garden. These include the first step of enriching the soil with compost before planting. In the long run, this will help to feed your crop and give you a healthy harvest. Then check your water supply, how will you water your garden and learn to keep to a schedule. And what else? So essential to study your garden beds to establish which areas are mostly sunny, and where there is more shade. Last but not least, make a list of vegetables that you enjoy, and that can be grown in your location and climate. The reward of growing and harvesting your own vegetables huge. Read More: Vegetable And Edible Garden Ideas And A Few Of Our Own Recipes

Ladybug On Parsley Leaf - Where To Plant, And How To Grow And Harvest Garden Parsley
Ladybug On Parsley Leaf (photo by Rosana Brien)

Gardening Ideas And Maintenance Tips

Candelabra Primula, Candelabra Primrose
Candelabra Primula, Candelabra Primrose